Néopolis - Chambre de commerce et d\'industrie de la Drôme
Carinne Fleury
Core Competences
Vocational Training in Wood construction
Energy efficiency in building
Eco materials and environmental quality in building
Renewable energy installation
Sustainable trade of materials for building
Development of jobs certification
Networking at regional, national and international level
Main services
- Information
- Training
- Events
CCI network : Neopolis belongs to the CCI of Drôme and can take advantage of national and european network of CCI for disseminate information and training programs.
CAPEB : Professional organization of Craftmen in building sector. Neopolis is in close partnership with the Capeb of Drôme department.
FFB : Professional organization of building sector. Neopolis is in close partnership with the FFB of Drôme and Ardèche department
Cluster Rhone-Alpes Eco-Energies: regional association which brings together more than 800 stakeholders for support the development of economic sector in energy efficiency in building sector at regional level : companies and SMEs (energy, construction, insurance, banking...) training centers and research centers, institutions and associations (agencies of the energy, trade associations, competitiveness poles...).
Adil 26 : Local advising Agency for citizens and communities on all questions related to housing. Adil 26 is also the “Point Info Energie” (Energy Contact Point) for Drôme department; as such, it provides information on energy efficiency and renewable energy to citizens and communities.
CAUE 26 (Conseil d’Architecture d’urbanisme et de l’environnement de la Drôme) : association in charge of advising public collectivities and citizens on architecture, urbanism and environment topics, and with departmental vocation (department of Drôme)
VAD (Ville Aménagement Durable) : ressource centre and clearinghouse on Environmental quality of building and urban settlements in Rhône-Alpes region. The 200 members of the VAD association are planners, designer, engineers, architects… willing to promote sustainable development in building and spatial planning. Since 10 years VAD has been organizing conferences and field trips, animating thematic workgroups, promoting best practices and case studies in sustainable building and planning, editing publications and developing supporting tools (ex : Enviroboite = on line resource centre). Neopolis is member of VAD and regularly participates to workgroup (building renovation, Standard for Environmental Quality building).
CLER : Network for Energy Transition=this is a NP association aiming at promoting renewable energies and energy savings. The CLER brings together more than 200 professional bodies on French territory. CLER displays resources on energy efficiency and REN. Among all its activities, it animates the network of “positive energy territories” (=TEPOS : territoire à Energie Positive ). Neopolis is member of CLER.
EFFINERGIE : non profit private association promoting very low Energy building. It creates certification for building (label “BBC”, Label BBC), certification for training (“Effinergie Agreement”).it ensures coordination between national policy and regional initiatives. Several Neopolis trainings have been labellized by “Effinergie”.It animates an observatory of low energy building.
RAEE : Rhônalpénergie-Environment is a non profit private association which advises communities and SMEs of publicpublic services in energy efficicieny topic and renewable energy at regional level.It animates a regional observatory of energy and WHG.
Fibois : This professional organization groups the companies of the whole wood sector, from timber to joiners including energy sector. Neopolis is member of FIBOIS.
Federation Eco Construire : this federation groups together several training bodies which deliver long and short vocational trainings in sustainable building. Within this federation, Neopolis participates to technological search and anticipation of training needs in sustainable buildings as well as to the development of certification of new jobs.
MEF (Romans & Drôme Sud) : MEF= maison de l’emploi et de la formation. This is a public organisation which carries out actions for support employment and training in accordance to the specificities action of its territory North of Drôme/ Vercors). The MEF involves stakeholders and facilitates networking and involvement of following stakeholders : local policy makers, companies, government and public employment services, social partners, economic and social actors ... As training stakeholder, Neopolis is regularly involved in MEF actions within Territorial Agreement for Employment and Training (CTEF) , aiming at developping SMEs competences.
AGEFOS PME Drôme Ardèche and CONSTRUCTYS : these are bipartite bodies, in charge of financing the training and competence development of professionals in building sector. Néopolis support these organizations in identifying the new skills needs and developing related programs;
CONSTRUCTION 21 : it is the european portal for professionals of building sector which is managed by a non profit association to which Neopolis is member.
Group of experts and trainers : experts and trainers in sustainable building : Sylvain Deschamp, Joel Lenain, Samuel Courgey, JP olive, Olivier Sidler,…
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